ChefLBP Fee Structure

ChefLBP encompasses two main types of fees that apply during tradings on the platform:

Swap Fees

  • Each transaction within the ChefLBP incurs a swap fee, set by the project creating the LBP. This fee ranges from 1% to 10% of the trading amount.

  • If a referral is involved, 50% of the swap fees are distributed to the referrers. The remaining swap fees are allocated as follows:

    • 30% to the project that launched the LBP

    • 20% to the CoinChef platform

  • Without a referral, 80% of the swap fees go to the LBP creator and the remaining 20% to the CoinChef platform.

Platform Fee

  • At the end of the LBP, when the project withdraws all liquidity (including project tokens and collateral tokens), CoinChef collects 5% of the total LP Tokens from the liquidity bootstrapping pool as a platform fee.

This fee structure ensures that participants, referrers, and LBP creators are rewarded appropriately while supporting the overall maintenance and development of the CoinChef platform.

Last updated